CLI Flags

Quick ad-hoc runs from your terminal shell or script.


For quickly running ad-hoc operations from the terminal, using CLI flags is often best. Here are some examples:

# Pipe in your json file and flatten the nested keys into their own columns
$ cat /tmp/my_file.json | sling run --src-options '{"flatten": "true"}' --tgt-conn MY_TARGET_DB --tgt-object 'target_schema.target_table' --mode full-refresh

# Read folder containing many CSV files
$ sling run \
    --src-stream 'file:///tmp/my_csv_folder/' \
    --tgt-conn MY_TARGET_DB --tgt-object 'target_schema.target_table' \
    --mode full-refresh

# Load only latest data from one source DB to another.
$ sling run \
    --src-conn MY_SOURCE_DB \
    --src-stream 'source_schema.source_table' \
    --tgt-conn MY_TARGET_DB \
    --tgt-object 'target_schema.target_table' \
    --mode incremental \
    --primary-key 'id' --update-key 'last_modified_dt' 

# Export / Backup database tables to JSON files
$ sling run \
    --src-conn MY_SOURCE_DB \
    --src-stream 'source_schema.source_table' \
    --tgt-conn MY_S3_BUCKET \
    --tgt-object 's3://my-bucket/my_json_folder/' \
    --tgt-options '{"file_max_rows": 100000, "format": "jsonlines"}'

Interface Specifications

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