CLI Flags

Quick ad-hoc runs from your terminal shell or script.


For quickly running ad-hoc operations from the terminal, using CLI flags is often best. Here are some examples:

# Pipe in your json file and flatten the nested keys into their own columns
$ cat /tmp/my_file.json | sling run --src-options '{"flatten": "true"}' --tgt-conn MY_TARGET_DB --tgt-object 'target_schema.target_table' --mode full-refresh

# Read folder containing many CSV files
$ sling run \
    --src-stream 'file:///tmp/my_csv_folder/' \
    --tgt-conn MY_TARGET_DB --tgt-object 'target_schema.target_table' \
    --mode full-refresh

# Load only latest data from one source DB to another.
$ sling run \
    --src-conn MY_SOURCE_DB \
    --src-stream 'source_schema.source_table' \
    --tgt-conn MY_TARGET_DB \
    --tgt-object 'target_schema.target_table' \
    --mode incremental \
    --primary-key 'id' --update-key 'last_modified_dt' 

# Export / Backup database tables to JSON files
$ sling run \
    --src-conn MY_SOURCE_DB \
    --src-stream 'source_schema.source_table' \
    --tgt-conn MY_S3_BUCKET \
    --tgt-object 's3://my-bucket/my_json_folder/' \
    --tgt-options '{"file_max_rows": 100000, "format": "jsonlines"}'

Interface Specifications

CLI FlagDescription


The source database connection (name, conn string or URL).


The target database connection (name, conn string or URL).


The source table (schema.table), local / cloud file path. Can also be the path of sql file or in-line text to use as query. Use file:// for local paths.


The target table (schema.table) or local / cloud file path. Use file:// for local paths. See here for details on runtime variables.


The target load mode to use: incremental, truncate, full-refresh, backfill or snapshot. Default is full-refresh.


The column(s) to use as primary key (for incremental mode). If composite key, use a comma-delimited string.


The column to use as update key (for incremental mode).


In-line options to further configure source (JSON or YAML). See here for details.


In-line options to further configure target (JSON or YAML). See here for details.


Output the stream to standard output (STDOUT).


Select or exclude specific columns from the source stream. (comma separated). Use - prefix to exclude.


Only run specific streams from a replication. (comma separated)

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