
Connect & Ingest data from / to a Snowflake database

Sling CLI Setup

The following credentials keys are accepted:

  • account (required) -> The hostname or account the instance (eg.

  • user (required) -> The username to access the instance

  • database (required) -> The database name of the instance

  • password (optional) -> The password to access the instance

  • schema (optional) -> The default schema to use

  • role (optional) -> The role to access the instance

  • warehouse (optional) -> The warehouse to use

  • passcode (optional) -> Specifies the passcode provided by Duo when using multi-factor authentication (MFA) for login.

  • authenticator (optional) -> Specifies the authenticator to use to login (e.g. snowflake_jwt, externalbrowser).

  • private_key_path (optional) -> Specifies the private key file path to use.

  • private_key_passphrase (optional) -> Specifies the private key file passphrase.

  • max_chunk_download_workers (optional) -> Specifies the Maximum Number of Result Set Chunk Downloader (integer).

  • custom_json_decoder_enabled (optional) -> Specifies to use the Custom JSON Decoder for Parsing Result Set (true or false).

  • copy_method (optional) -> Specifies to use the platform to use for loading/unloading (DEFAULT, AWS, AZURE). For AWS or AZURE, you'll need to provide the necessary credentials, such as bucket, access_key_id and secret_access_key, for AWS, or account, container and sas_svc_url for AZURE.

Here are examples of setting a connection named SNOWFLAKE. We must provide the type=snowflake property:

$ sling conns set SNOWFLAKE type=snowflake account=<account> user=<user> database=<database> password=<password> role=<role>

# Or use url
$ sling conns set SNOWFLAKE url="snowflake://myuser:mypass@host.account/mydatabase?schema=<schema>&role=<role>"

Environment Variable

export SNOWFLAKE='snowflake://myuser:mypass@host.account/mydatabase?schema=<schema>&role=<role>'

Sling Env File YAML

See here to learn more about the sling env.yaml file.

    type: snowflake
    account: <account>
    user: <user>
    password: <password>
    database: <database>
    schema: <schema>
    role: <role>
    warehouse: <warehouse>

    url: "snowflake://myuser:mypass@host.account/mydatabase?schema=<schema>&role=<role>"

If you are facing issues connecting, please reach out to us at, on discord or open a Github Issue here.

Last updated