Connect & Ingest data from / to a MySQL database


The following credentials keys are accepted:

  • host (required) -> The hostname / ip of the instance

  • user (required) -> The username to access the instance

  • database (required) -> The database name of the instance

  • schema (optional) -> The default schema to use

  • password (optional) -> The password to access the instance

  • port (optional) -> The port of the instance. Default is 3306.

  • ssh_tunnel (optional) -> The URL of the SSH server you would like to use as a tunnel (example ssh://

  • ssh_private_key (optional) -> The private key to use to access a SSH server (raw string or path to file).

  • ssh_passphrase (optional) -> The passphrase to use to access a SSH server.

Additional Parameters (since v1.2.19). See here for more details:

  • allow_all_files -> Allows using LOCAL DATA INFILE without restrictions (true or false)

  • allow_cleartext_passwords -> Permits sending passwords in clear text (true or false)

  • allow_fallback_to_plaintext -> Allows fallback to unencrypted connection if server doesn't support TLS (true or false)

  • allow_native_passwords -> Enables the native password authentication method (true or false)

  • allow_old_passwords -> Allows the old insecure password method (true or false)

  • charset -> Sets the charset for server-side prepared statements (e.g., utf8mb4)

  • check_conn_liveness -> Checks connection liveness before using it (true or false)

  • collation -> Sets the collation for server-side prepared statements (e.g., utf8mb4_general_ci)

  • client_found_rows -> Returns number of matching rows instead of rows changed (true or false)

  • columns_with_alias -> Prepares result columns as if they have an alias (true or false)

  • interpolate_params -> Interpolates placeholders instead of using prepared statements (true or false)

  • loc -> Sets the location for time.Time values (e.g., Local, UTC, or a time zone name)

  • time_truncate -> Truncates time values to the given precision (true or false)

  • max_allowed_packet -> Max packet size allowed (integer value in bytes)

  • multi_statements -> Allows multiple statements in one query (true or false)

  • parse_time -> Converts TIME/DATE/DATETIME to time.Time (true or false)

  • read_timeout -> I/O read timeout (duration string, e.g., 30s, 0.5m, 1h)

  • reject_read_only -> Rejects read-only connections (true or false)

  • server_pub_key -> Server public key name (string)

  • timeout -> Timeout for establishing connections (duration string, e.g., 30s, 0.5m, 1h)

  • tls -> TLS configuration name (true, false, skip-verify, or custom TLS config name)

  • write_timeout -> I/O write timeout (duration string, e.g., 30s, 0.5m, 1h)

  • connection_attributes -> Connection attributes to send to MySQL (comma-separated list of key-value pairs)

Using sling conns

Here are examples of setting a connection named MYSQL. We must provide the type=mysql property:

$ sling conns set MYSQL type=mysql host=<host> user=<user> database=<database> password=<password> port=<port> 

# OR use url
$ sling conns set MYSQL url="mysql://myuser:mypass@host.ip:3306/mydatabase?tls=skip-verify"

Environment Variable

export MYSQL='mysql://myuser:mypass@host.ip:3306/mydatabase?tls=skip-verify'

Sling Env File YAML

See here to learn more about the sling env.yaml file.

    type: mysql
    host: <host>
    user: <user>
    port: <port>
    database: <database>
    schema: <schema>
    password: <password>

    url: "mysql://myuser:mypass@host.ip:3306/mydatabase?tls=skip-verify"

Database user creation

To allow Sling to access your database, we need to create a user with the proper privileges. Please follow the steps below:

  1. First you’ll need to login as a user with CREATE USER and GRANT OPTION privileges. Create a user sling (or whatever you prefer) by running :

    CREATE USER 'sling'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
  2. If you are planning to load data into this connection, you need to grant the following privileges to that user so we can create tables in schema sling:

    CREATE SCHEMA sling;
  3. If you are planning to extract data from this connection, you need to give permission to read the tables you'd like Sling to extract.

    -- To give read access to all tables in a specific schema
    GRANT SELECT ON <schema_name>.* TO  'sling'@'%';

If you are facing issues connecting, please reach out to us at, on discord or open a Github Issue here.

Last updated