Azure Storage
Connect & Ingest data from / into a Azure Storage Account
The following credentials keys are accepted:
(required) -> This is the Azure account string.container
(required) -> This is the storage container.conn_str
(optional) -> This is the Connection String from an Account Access Keys. Looks something likeDefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=my_account;AccountKey=thisIsAFakeKeyxxxxxxxxxxxxx/MRHCrBw4BLmypbaJyVbvUWn4YZ1Nw==;
(optional) -> This is the Shared Access Signature (SAS) URL.client_id
(optional) -> Application ID of an Azure service principal. Can also set via env varAZURE_CLIENT_ID
(optional) -> ID of the application's Microsoft Entra tenant. Can also set via env varAZURE_TENANT_ID
(optional) -> Path to a PEM or PKCS12 certificate file including private key. If you followed the steps for the Azure CLI, the file isn't password protected. Can also set via env varAZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH
(optional) -> The password you entered when you created the service principal. Can also set via env varAZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD
Using sling conns
sling conns
Here are examples of setting a connection named AZURE_STORAGE
. We must provide the type=azure
Environment Variable
In JSON/YAML format:
Sling Env File YAML
See here to learn more about the sling env.yaml
If you are facing issues connecting, please reach out to us at, on discord or open a Github Issue here.
Last updated